Monday, August 19, 2013

Cafe and Bar on Tel Aviv beach.
After our exploring Tel Aviv yesterday, we thought a "pasta" dinner would be nice. The receptionist at our hotel recommended a place within a 15 minute walk -- so we set out on foot to find the restaurant. Things went pretty well -- we sat outside in the warm evening, ordered a pasta dish each for each of us and enjoyed -- what we thought -- was an enjoyable meal.

Mine was a bit "al dente" and Vickie's was a bit over-"cheesed", but we ate it anyway and talked about the days activities. On the way back to the hotel, there are number of "beach clubs" along the Mediterranean. We decided to explore and went into the nearest one. The "electronic music" was playing its rhythmic beat, the large crowd was younger. Lots of young Israeli's enjoying the evening.  We sat far out in front and enjoyed the sea. We didn't order anything from the bar, but no-one complained so we had a nice time.
That's me at the beach in Tel Aviv
Just across from our lodgings.

Getting back to our room, we were tired and happy, so it was off to  bed. Nothing unusual! Until about 2:30 in the morning when I awoke to a stomach-ache that was pretty painful. I started drinking water, toughed it out and awoke later in the morning feeling a bit better -- so it seems to have passed.  But, we haven't done a whole lot today. We're off to Haifa in the morning, so we thought we'd find the central train station and get the schedule.

Otherwise, we'll hang around and get "well" -- as well as rested.

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